This tutorial will cover more advanced code features, like the SSCHA code’s interoperability with a high-performance computer (HPC). The tutorial is divided into two sections. In the first section, we will perform a free energy minimization manually; then we will learn how to automatize the interaction with a cluster to run ab initio calculations automatically.
This tutorial was prepared for the 2023 SSCHA School by Lorenzo Monacelli. You can see here the video os the hands-on session:
The material needed for this tutorial can be downloaded here.
Manual submission
- The SSCHA calculation comprises three main steps iterated until convergence:
The generation of a random ensemble of ionic configurations
Calculations of energies and forces on the ensemble
The SSCHA free energy minimization
In the first hands-on session, you configured the code to do these iterations automatically. Thanks to the ASE EMT force field, the code can automatically compute energies, forces, and stress tensors without user interaction.
However, if you need to compute energies and forces from an ab initio calculation like DFT, you may want to run the DFT code on a different machine, like a cluster.
You can use the manual submission if you want more control over the procedure.
We will compute the sulfur hydride (superconductor with \(T_c = 203\) K), using a DFT code like quantum Espresso to calculate energy and forces.
The harmonic phonons (computed using quantum Espresso) is provided in the directory 02_manual_submission, where you can find the input and output files of the quantum espresso calculation to calculate the harmonic phonons, and the dynamical matrices, named dyn_h3s_harmonic_1, dyn_h3s_harmonic_2 and dyn_h3s_harmonic_3.
They respect the naming convention so that each file contains a different q point: since we are using a 2x2x2 mesh to sample the Brillouin zone of phonons, the different q points are ordered in three separate files, each one grouping the star of q (the q points related by symmetry operations).
We start by plotting the dispersion of the harmonic dynamical matrix. Please write in a file the following script and run it.
import cellconstructor as CC, cellconstructor.Phonons
import cellconstructor.ForceTensor
import ase, ase.dft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
dyn = CC.Phonons.Phonons("dyn_h3s_harmonic_", 3) # Load 3 files
N_POINTS = 1000
# Use ASE to get the q points from the path
band_path = ase.dft.kpoints.bandpath(PATH,
# Get the q points in cartesian coordinates
q_path = band_path.cartesian_kpts()
# Get the values of x axis and labels for plotting the band path
x_axis, xticks, xlabels = band_path.get_linear_kpoint_axis()
# Perform the interpolation of the dynamical matrix along the q_path
frequencies = CC.ForceTensor.get_phonons_in_qpath(dyn, q_path)
# Plot the dispersion
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_title("Harmonic H3S Phonon dispersion")
for i in range(frequencies.shape[-1]):
ax.plot(x_axis, frequencies[:, i], color = 'r')
for x in xticks:
ax.axvline(x, 0, 1, color='k', lw=0.4) # Plot vertical lines for each high-symmetry point
# Set the labels of the axis as the Brilluin zone letters
ax.set_ylabel("Frequency [cm-1]")
You should see the figure Dispersion of the harmonic phonons of H3S.

The dispersion presents imaginary phonons throughout most of the Brillouin zone. To start the SSCHA, we need a positive definite dynamical matrix. Since the starting point for the SSCHA does not matter, we may flip the phonons to be positive:
where \(m_a\) is the mass of the a-th atom, \(\omega_\mu\) is the frequency of the dynamical matrix, and \(e_\mu\) is the corresponding eigenvector. This operation can be performed with the command
and save the results into start_sscha1
, start_sscha2
, and start_sscha3
Plot the phonon dispersion of the positive definite dynamical matrix obtained in this way. Save the resulting dynamical matrix as ‘start_sscha’ to continue with the following section.
Ensemble generation
Now that we have a good starting point for the dynamical matrix, we are ready to generate the first ensemble to start the free energy optimization. Here is a script to generate the ensemble.
The following script supposes that you saved the dynamical matrix after enforcing them to be positive definite as “start_sscha”. However, you can edit the script to read the harmonic dynamical matrices and impose the positiveness within the same script.
import cellconstructor as CC, cellconstructor.Phonons
import sscha, sscha.Ensemble
import numpy as np
# Fix the seed so that we all generate the same ensemble
# Load the dynamical matrix
dyn = CC.Phonons.Phonons("start_sscha", nqirr=3)
#[ apply here the needed changes to dyn ]
# Prepare the ensemble
temperature = 300 # 300 K
ensemble = sscha.Ensemble.Ensemble(dyn, temperature)
# Generate the ensemble
number_of_configurations = 10
# Save the ensemble into a directory
save_directory = "data"
population_id = 1, population_id)
If you try to run the code, you can face an error telling you that the dynamical matrix does not satisfy the acoustic sum rule (ASR). This occurs because quantum Espresso does not impose the ASR by default. However, we can enforce the acoustic sum rule with the following:
Besides the ASR, this function will also impose all the symmetries on the dynamical matrix, ensuring it is correct.
Impose the acoustic sum rule and the symmetries and generate the ensemble. Either add this after loading the dynamical matrix or do it once overriding the ‘start_sscha’ files.
Calculation of energies and forces
Very good; if you imposed the sum rule correctly, the ensemble should have been correctly generated. The script should have created the data directory and two sets of dynamical matrices:
where x goes from 1 to 3. These are the same dynamical matrix as the original one. In particular, dyn_start is the dynamical matrix used to generate the ensemble, and dyn_end is the final dynamical matrix after the free energy optimization. Since we did not run the sscha, they are the same.
If we look inside the data directory, we find:
where x counts from 1 to the total number of configurations, the energies_supercell file contains any structure’s total DFT energy (in Ry). Since we have not yet performed DFT calculations, it is full of 0s.
u_population1_x.dat files contain the cartesian displacements of each atom in the supercell with respect to the average position. We will not touch this file, but the sscha uses it to load the ensemble much faster when we have many configurations and big systems.
The last files are the scf_population1_x.dat, containing the ionic positions, including the atomic type, in Cartesian coordinates.
This file contains the structure in the supercell; it is already in the standard quantum espresso format, so you can attach this text to the header file of the quantum espresso input to have a complete input file for this structure. However, you can easily manipulate this file to adapt it to your favorite programs, like VASP, ABINIT, SIESTA, CP2K, CASTEP, or any other.
You can visualize a structure using ASE and Cellconstructor:
import ase, ase.visualize
import cellconstructor as CC, cellconstructor.Structure
struct = CC.Structure.Structure()
ase_struct = struct.get_ase_atoms()
Indeed, using the same trick, you can export the structure in any file format that ASE support, including input files for different programs mentioned above.
Here, we will use quantum Espresso. The header file for the quantum espresso calculation is in espresso_header.pwi. Remember that the configurations are in the supercell, so the number of atoms (here 32 instead of 4) and any extensive parameter like the k-point mesh should be rescaled accordingly. Here we employ an 8x8x8 k-mesh for the electronic calculation, while to compute the harmonic phonons with a unit cell calculation, we use a 16x16x16 k-mesh since the sscha configurations are 2x2x2 bigger than the original one, and thus the Brillouin zone is a factor 0.5x0.5x0.5 smaller.
You can append each scf file to this header to get the espresso input.
We have only ten configurations; in production runs, using at least hundreds of configurations per ensemble is appropriate. Therefore, it is impractical to create the input file for each of them manually.
# Define a directory in which to save all the input files
for file in `ls $DATA_DIR/scf_population${POPULATION}*.dat`
# Extract the configuration index
# (the grep command returns only the expression
# that matches the regular expression from the file name)
index=`echo $file | grep -oP '(?<=population1_).*(?=\.dat)'`
# Copy the template header file
cp $HEADER_FILE $target_input_file
# Attach after the header the structure
cat $file >> $target_input_file
Executing this script, you have created a directory inside the data dir called input_files_population1 which contains all the input files for quantum Espresso.
You can run these with your own laptop if you have a good computer. However, the calculation is computationally demanding: each configuration contains plenty of atoms and no symmetries at all, as they are snapshots of the quantum/thermal motion of the nuclei. The alternative is to copy these files on a cluster and submit a calculation there.
The espresso files are run with the command
mpirun -np NPROC pw.x -i input_file.pwi > output_file.pwo
where NPROC is the number of processors in which we want to run. Remember to copy the pseudopotential in the same directory where you run the pw.x executable.
However, we skip this part now (try it yourself later!)
We provide the output files in the folder output_espresso
Once we have the output files from Espresso, we need to save the energies, forces, and stress tensors in the ensemble directory.
# Clear the energy file
for i in `seq 1 10`
# Get the total energy
grep ! $filename | awk '{print $5}' >> $ENERGY_FILE
grep force $filename | grep atom | awk '{print $7, $8, $9}' > $force_file
grep "total stress" $filename -A3 | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1, $2, $3}' > $stress_file
This script works specifically for quantum Espresso. It extracts energy, forces, and the stress tensor and fills the files data/energies_supercell_population1.dat, forces_population1_X.dat, and pressures_population1_X.dat with the results obtained from the output file of quantum Espresso.
The units of measurement are
Ry for the energy (in the supercell)
Ry/Bohr for the forces
Ry/Bohr^3 for the stress tensor
Here, we do not need conversion, as these are the default units quantum Espresso gives. However, remember to convert correctly to these units if you use a different program, like VASP.
Free energy minimization
We have the ensemble ready to be loaded back into the Python script and start a minimization. This is done with the following scripts
import sscha, sscha.Ensemble, sscha.SchaMinimizer
import sscha.Utilities
import cellconstructor as CC, cellconstructor.Phonons
dyn = CC.Phonons.Phonons("start_sscha", 3)
ensemble = sscha.Ensemble.Ensemble(dyn, 0)
ensemble.load("data", population = POPULATION, N = 10)
minim = sscha.SchaMinimizer.SSCHA_Minimizer(ensemble)
# Save the minimization details
ioinfo = sscha.Utilities.IOInfo()
ioinfo.SetupSaving("minim_{}".format(POPULATION)) = ioinfo.CFP_SaveAll)
You can plot the results of the minimization with minim_1
Congratulations! You run your first completely manual SSCHA run.
The output file informs us that minimization ended because the ensemble is out of the stochastic criteria. This means that the dynamical matrix changed a sufficient amount that the original ensemble was not good enough anymore to describe the free energy of the new dynamical matrix; therefore, a new ensemble should be extracted.
In the early days of the SSCHA, this procedure should have been iterated repeatedly until convergence. Nowadays, we have a fully automatic procedure that can automatize all these steps configuring the ssh connection to a cluster.
Automatic submission with a cluster
In the previous section, you made all the steps to run a sscha calculation manually. This consists of iterating through the following steps:
generating the input files for Espresso,
transferring them to a cluster,
submitting the calculations,
retrieving the outputs,
reload the ensemble
run the free energy minimization
In this section, we learn how to automatize these passages. We must set up the interaction between the SSCHA library and the HPC cluster running the DFT calculations. As of June 2023, this automatic interaction is only supported for quantum Espresso and SLURM-based clusters. However, writing plugins to support different DFT codes and cluster schedulers should be easy.
The configuration of the DFT parameter has been introduced in the previous hands-on session; thus, we skip and provide a file called, which defines a function get_h3s_calculator returning the calculator object for quantum Espresso with the input parameters for H3S.
We focus instead on the configuration of the cluster.
Create a new file called The following script provides an example to connect to a cluster with username sschauser
and login node
import cellconstructor as CC, cellconstructor.Phonons
import sscha
import sscha.Cluster
import sys, os
def configure_cluster(cluster_workdir = "H3S"):
cluster = sscha.Cluster.Cluster(hostname = "")
cluster.use_memory = True
cluster.ram = 180000
cluster.use_partition = True
cluster.partition_name = "workstations"
cluster.account_name = "my_allocation_resources"
cluster.n_nodes = 1
cluster.use_cpu = False
cluster.custom_params["get-user-env"] = None
cluster.custom_params["cpus-per-task"] = 2
cluster.custom_params["ntasks-per-node"] = 48
cluster.time = "12:00:00"
cluster.n_cpu = 48
cluster.n_pool = 48
cluster.job_number = 12
cluster.batch_size = 2
home_workdir=os.path.join("$HOME", cluster_workdir)
scratch_workdir = os.path.join("/scratch/$USER/", cluster_workdir)
cluster.workdir = home_workdir
cluster.add_set_minus_x = True # Avoid the set -x
cluster.load_modules = f"""
module purge
module load intel
module load intel-mpi
module load intel-mkl
module load quantum-espresso/6.8.0-mpi
mkdir -p {scratch_workdir}
cp $HOME/espresso/pseudo/* {scratch_workdir}/
def cp_files(lbls):
extrain = f"cd {scratch_workdir}\n"
extraout = "sleep 1\n"
for lbl in lbls:
extrain += f"cp {home_workdir}/{lbl}.pwi {scratch_workdir}/\n"
extraout += f"mv {scratch_workdir}/{lbl}.pwo {home_workdir}/\n"
return extrain, extraout
# Add the possibility to copy the input files
cluster.additional_script_parameters = cp_files
# Force to open a shell when executing ssh commands
# (Otherwise the cluster will not load the module environment)
cluster.use_active_shell = True
# Check the communication
if not cluster.CheckCommunication():
raise ValueError("Impossible to connect to the cluster.")
return cluster
This file contains all the information to connect with the cluster that you can customize to adapt to your HPC center.
Let us dive a bit into the options.
The first thing to know how to configure is the ssh host connection. For example, if I connect to a cluster using the command
You have to specify the entire string inside the hostname
at the first definition of the cluster. If you have an ssh config file enabled, you can substitute the hostname with the name in the configuration file corresponding to a HostName inside .ssh/config
located in your home directory.
The best procedure is to enable a public-private key without encryption. You can activate the encryption if you have a wallet system in your PC that keeps the password saved, but in this case, the user must log in with the screen unlocked to work.
If the HPC does not allow you to configure a pair of ssh keys for the connection and requires the standard username/password connection,
you can add the pwd
keyword in the definition of the cluster. This is not encouraged, as you will store your password in clear text inside the script (so if you are in a shared workstation, remember to limit the read access to your scripts to other users, and do not send the script accidentally to other people with your password).
For example:
cluster = sscha.Cluster.Cluster(hostname="", pwd="mybeautifulpassword")
The other options are all standard SLURM configurations, as the amount of ram, name of partition, and account for the submission, number of nodes, total time, and custom parameters specific for each cluster These parameters are transformed into the submission script for slurm as
#SLURM --time=12:00:00
#SLURM --get-user-env
#SLURM --cpus-per-task=2
# [...]
Most variables have the use_xxx attribute; if set to False, the corresponding option is not printed. In the last version of SSCHA, if you manually edit a variable, it should automatically set the corresponding use_xxx to true.
cluster.use_partition = True
cluster.partition_name = "workstations"
cluster.account_name = "my_allocation_resources"
Most clusters must run on specific partitions; in this case, activate the partition flag with the use_partition
variable and specify the appropriate partition_name
. Also, most of the time, the computational resources are related to specific accounts indicated with account_name
Particular attention needs to be taken to the following parameters
cluster.n_nodes = 1
cluster.time = "12:00:00"
cluster.n_cpu = 48
cluster.n_pool = 48
cluster.job_number = 12
cluster.batch_size = 2
These parameters are specific for the kind of calculation.
n_nodes specifies the number of nodes
time specifies the total time
n_cpu specify how many processors to call quantum Espresso with
n_pool is the number of pools for the quantum espresso parallelization; it should be the greatest common divisor between the number of CPUs and K points.
batch_size how many pw.x calculations to group in the same job (executed one after the other without queue time).
job_number how many jobs will be submitted simultaneously (executed in parallel, but with queue time).
The total time requested must be roughly the time expected for a single calculation multiplied by the batch_size. It is convenient to overshoot the requested time, as some configurations may take a bit more time.
The workdir is the directory in which all the input files are copied inside the cluster. This cluster uses a local scratch for the submission (the job must copy all the input on a local scratch of the node and then copy back the results to the shared filesystem). If no local scratch is requried, then we can set the working directory (usually a shared scratch) with the command
cluster.workdir = "/scratch/myuser/"
However, this submission script (as ekhi) must work on a shared workdir, which is inside the home directory. Therefore, we must tell the cluster to copy the files from the workdir to the local scratch before and after each calculation. This is done by setting a custom function, executed for each calculation
def cp_files(lbls):
extrain = f"cd {scratch_workdir}\n"
extraout = "sleep 1\n"
for lbl in lbls:
extrain += f"cp {home_workdir}/{lbl}.pwi {scratch_workdir}/\n"
extraout += f"mv {scratch_workdir}/{lbl}.pwo {home_workdir}/\n"
return extrain, extraout
# Add the possibility to copy the input files
cluster.additional_script_parameters = cp_files
Each cluster must load modules to run a calculation. All the modules and other commands to run before the calculations are stored in the text variable load_modules
cluster.load_modules = f"""
module purge
module load intel
module load intel-mpi
module load intel-mkl
module load quantum-espresso/6.8.0-mpi
mkdir -p {scratch_workdir}
cp $HOME/espresso/pseudo/* {scratch_workdir}/
The specific of the modules to load depends on the cluster, in this case, we also create the local scratch directory and copy the pseudopotential.
To check the connection and set up the working directory (create it on the cluster if it does not exist) use the
if not cluster.CheckCommunication():
raise ValueError("Cluster connection failed!")
Customize the file to connect to the ekhi server, following the instructions provided in the ekhi guide.
How to submit a calculation with a cluster automatically
Now that we have seen how to configure the cluster, it is time to start an actual calculation. We can use this option to directly evaluate the ensemble generated manually before in the following way:
import cellconstructor as CC, cellconstructor.Phonons
import sscha, sscha.Ensemble
# Import the two python scripts for the cluster and espresso configurations
import espresso_calculator
import cluster
# Generate an ensemble with 10 configurations
dyn = CC.Phonons.Phonons("start_sscha", 3)
ensemble = sscha.Ensemble.Ensemble(dyn, 300)
# Get the espresso and cluster configurations
espresso_config = espresso_calculator.get_calculator()
cluster_config = cluster.configure_cluster()
# Compute the ensemble
ensemble.compute_ensemble(espresso_config, cluster=cluster_config)
# Save the ensemble (using population 2 to avoid overwriting the other one)"data", 2)
As seen here, once the cluster is configured (but this needs to be done only once), it is straightforward to compute the ensemble’s energy, forces, and stresses.
While the calculation is running, the temporary files copied from/to the cluster are stored in a directory that is local_workdir. This is, by default, called cluster_work. They are called ESP_x.pwi EXP_x.pwo, the input and output files, and with you have the SLURM submission script.
Indeed, as you have seen in the previous hands-on session, it is possible to use the cluster keyword also in the SSCHA object of the Relax module to automatize all the procedures.
The following script runs the complete automatic relaxation of the SSCHA.
import cellconstructor as CC, cellconstructor.Phonons
import sscha, sscha.Ensemble
import sscha.SchaMinimizer, sscha.Relax
# Import the two python scripts for the cluster and espresso configurations
import espresso_calculator
import cluster
# Generate an ensemble with 10 configurations
dyn = CC.Phonons.Phonons("start_sscha", 3)
ensemble = sscha.Ensemble.Ensemble(dyn, 300)
# Get the espresso and cluster configurations
espresso_config = espresso_calculator.get_calculator()
cluster_config = cluster.configure_cluster()
# Setup the minimizer
minimizer = sscha.SchaMinimizer.SSCHA_Minimizer(ensemble)
# Setup the automatic relaxation
relax = sscha.Relax.SSCHA(minimizer, espresso_config,
# Setup the IO to save the minimization data and the frequencies
ioinfo = sscha.Utilities.IOInfo()
# Activate the data saving in the minimization
# Perform the NVT simulation
# Save the data
As for this NVT, you can also use vc_relax for the NPT simulation or the NVT with variable cell shape.